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Treatment for backache and arthritis

In person Only

30 min
6,000 Indian rupees

Service Description

Our body consists of a bony skeleton made from 206 bones. This skeleton, made up of many different bones, gives our body its manoeuvrability and flexibility. Each bone is connected to at least one other bone, usually to 2 or 3 other bones at a joint. A joint is a flexible coupling between 2 or more bones, which allows a definite range of movement. Joints are flexible but not strong, while long bones like the femur (thigh bone) are firm but not flexible. Nature has allocated us different areas of strength & flexibility according to the function of each body part. The bones are covered with muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia, which hold them together and allow an extensive and delicate range of movements. When we have a fall, our joints bend to absorb the impact of the fall. If the force of the fall is too great, then the bones forming that joint may dislocate from their normal position in an attempt to absorb the impact. If the effect of the fall is more than what the body can absorb, then a bone may break or fracture. The most common joint that dislocates in the body is the ankle. When our foot twists, the ankle dislocates, and we say our ankle is sprained. Usually, the body can correct the dislocation over a few days, and the pain resolves. However, if the body cannot fix the dislocation, the pain persists, and you tend to walk with more weight on the normal leg to reduce the pain. This leads to greater strain on the normal leg causing a twist in the pelvis to compensate for the uneven weight bearing. The knee on the affected leg also adjusts to try and compensate for the pain. In this process, the knee can become unstable, resulting in knee pain. The body may also try to adjust from the hip, pelvis or lower back, leading to pain and problems in these areas. Similarly, when we trip and fall forward, we try to break the fall's impact with our hands. When we do this, there is first a displacement of the joints at the wrist, elbow, and shoulder in order depending on the intensity of the fall, and neck and only if the body cannot dissipate the intensity of the fall does a bone break. These falls are often soon forgotten as the pain recedes. Still, the dislocations caused by these falls may persist for years, initially causing mild discomfort, which increases and reduces over the years as the body tries to correct or compensate for the injury. The body is usually able to correct this displacement without treatment, and it reco

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please get in touch with us, 24 hours before the appointment. Appointments not cancelled will be charged in full.

Contact Details

  • The Clinic Malakkara, Chengannur, Kerala, India


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